20 April 2009

Some Pictures

We took Kruger out and about for a walk the other day and ran into our friend Holly and her dog Delsie. Holly was kind enough to snap some photos of Kruger, including our first "family portrait." I really like the first image, because he looks so, uh, "happy."

Thanks for checking in!
- J

10 April 2009

Kruger, the accomplice

Kruger participated in his first prank yesterday. So...Molly's sister Bridget made a surprise visit for Easter weekend - we somehow managed to keep Molly completely in the dark. When she came home, Kruger and I were waiting in the driveway. She was on the phone with her mom at the time...and I said to her, "Come inside and see what YOUR puppy did. He got out in the living room" (him getting out of his crate and destroying our house is one of our worst fears). Anyway, Molly was a bit, uh, "stern" with the dog initially, but he handled it well. Check out what happened below...

- J

Crinkle Cow Update

07 April 2009

First 20 Minutes

(ps - I hate this video because I look like I have several chins. I swear it's just the angle of the camera...really. - J)



(formerly known as "Buckey")

Crinkle Cow

Puppy Proofing

Hello...my name is Kruger

It all started with a little thing called www.petfinder.com. Ok, let's be honest. It started a long time before we discovered petfinder.com. And Marley and Me didn't help. We watched the movie on Tuesday night, and by Thursday, we were searching for puppies online. This wasn't the first time we'd looked for a puppy to call our own, but it was the first time we were serious. We found a few, inquired about one, and called it a night. But then...Friday rolled around. And Molly couldn't wait to check out the newest puppy prospect online again. Only this time, when she searched for puppy #1, she found puppy #2 instead (and she could hardly contain her enthusiasm!). So...we took a little field trip to the Kent County Animal Shelter on Friday after work and that's where we met "Buckey," the little black lab/Siberian husky mix we fell in love with. The shelter actually told us we could adopt him right away, but we thought it best to "sleep on it" for the night. We went to dinner, and made a puppy pros and cons list. We researched Buckey's breed. We called our parents. And we prayed. But we went to bed without a conclusion.

On Saturday morning, Molly went to work early. Jason came by the coffee shop at 7:30, knowing we needed to make a decision before someone else found Buckey and took him home. Still sort of undecided, Jason drove back to Grand Rapids and the animal shelter, only to find another family visiting with the little guy! Needless to say, this did not sit well in Jason's gut. He knew we needed a clearance puppy of our own--and Buckey was it! So he signed the papers, found out Buckey might possibly be bilingual, and returned home with the news that we could pick him up on Tuesday. And so, the puppy preparations began...